Thursday 23 June 2011

A stunning Italian publication

During one of my work experiences in London I came across the books published by LOGOS. And this is the book that made me fall in love with their style and list:

Matz Mainka and Ana Juan

Sorelle ('Sisters') is the story of two twins, sharing everything, creating their own personal world where no one is allowed to enter. But then something happens: growing up, meeting the first love, and... 

While turning the pages of this volume you'll be able to experience all the feelings these girls go through, you'll feel the dramatic side of such a close relationship. The story is illustrated by Ana Juan, another unexpected surprise I've found in the book. Her style is so all-involving and bold, and the use of colour is simply perfect, matching dark shadows and spots of bright colours.

I'm not sure there is an English version of this publication, but I'm sure about one thing: This is a book that should not miss from your shelves!

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